Serilog’s often used to log out objects as structured data. For example:

log.Information("Executing {@Command}...", cmd);

will attach a structured Command property to the event that can later be queried or processed.

Sometimes we don’t want all of the properties of an object included. Where cmd is, say, a LoginCommand:

public class LoginCommand
    public string Username { get; set; }

    public string Password { get; set; }

    public bool RememberMe { get; set; }

We’d like to log the username attached to the command, but not the password. The same situation arises with credit card numbers and other sensitive information. Without some care we’ll end up logging events like:

  "Level": "Information",
  "Timestamp": "2014-07-18T12:30+10:00",
  "RenderedMessage": "Executing LoginCommand {Username: "nick", Password: "Pa$$w0rd", RememberMe: true}"
  "MessageTemplate": "Executing {@Command}...",
      "Username": "nick",
      "Password": "Pa$$w0rd",
      "RememberMe": true

No one likes to see their password in a log file.

Classically, the way to approach this in Serilog has been to customize the destructuring policy for the command type:

var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
        cmd => new { cmd.Username, cmd.RememberMe })

The problem with this approach is pretty obvious – it centralizes destructuring information in a way that might not always co-operate with assembly dependencies and so-on, and gets cluttered as more types need customization.

Why ‘destructuring’ anyway?

Here’s a chance to explain one of the more unusual pieces of terminology in Serilog. The name Serilog is derived from serializing logger, and destructuring pretty much equates with serialization, so why not call it that?

The original design for Serilog was going to tackle the problem we’re observing here using a syntax like this:

log.Information("Executing {@Command(Username,RememberMe)}...", cmd);

This would have the same effect as the configuration we just looked at, selecting just the Username and RememberMe properties from the command object, but doesn’t suffer the same “centralization” issues.

This style of describing “what you want” is actually implemented in some programming languages with a feature called destructuring assignment. Hence, the name! It’s not likely that we’ll add this feature to Serilog now; a more familiar way to achieve the same result is to use attributes, as we’ll see next.

Destructuring with attributes

Fresh off the press, here’s the new solution enabled using the Serilog.Extras.Attributed package:

public class LoginCommand
    public string Username { get; set; }

    public string Password { get; set; }

    public bool RememberMe { get; set; }

Nice and simple, huh? The NotLogged attribute simply marks properties to ignore.

Enabling this feature, after installing the NuGet package mentioned above, is as simple as calling the UsingAttributes() extension method at configuration time:

var log = new LoggerConfiguration()

Other goodies in Serilog.Extras.Attributed

There’s one other little thing that you might find handy in this package. Some types, while they’re “complex data” in some sense, don’t serialize well for storage in events. These types need to be treated like scalar values (int, string and so-on) or by conversion with ToString() before logging.

You can force this behavior using the LogAsScalar attribute; here’s an example that appears in Seq:

public class Filter
    public string SourceText { get; set; }

    public Expression> FilterExpression { get; set; }

Without LogAsScalar, the FilterExpression would be serialized as a (potentially) large tree-shaped object, that while interesting, isn’t valuable in a log. Using the attribute let’s us keep the property in the log, but use its more friendly ToString() representation.

Go get it! :)