What does _beta _mean? Here are the good things you can expect from Autofac 2.1.5:

  • Everything you need to build a working application is in there

  • All the tests that should pass, pass

  • If you find bugs, they’ll be fixed

  • Between now and the full release, API breakage will be taken seriously

You should also be aware that:

  • There will be some bugs

  • Documentation on the wiki doesn’t reflect the new version

  • There’s no matching _AutofacContrib _release yet

  • Upgrading an existing application will take a little time

Long-time Autofac users will find the new version a bit strange at first, but the most visible differences are name changes. There’s a summary of API changes on the wiki.

I hope you have fun test-driving the new version. You can get the binaries from the Autofac downloads page.